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Storyboard...A script with visuals,without camera.

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Hai.Here I have posted the second shot from the script.Lighting forms the path for the man.Its to indicate the visual metaphor.Its a dutchtilt shot.I have used this shot to increase the suspense level.even now i have hidden the face of the man beneath the flap of his be precise,i could better say that the placement of the hat in frame hides his face.the camera angle supports it.Let me increase the suspense in the forth coming shots.And remember that this is a sample work for one of my friends script.
The man walks along the light.Naturally when we enter a room of dark,we would try to locate the inner with the available light.but here the light is directed through the door opening.Indeed the illumination is through the shape of the opening and the characterstic of the light is to travel in straight path as it can't bend.This direction of light in the shot helps us.but in what way?
Do you observe that that elements in the dark are hard to notice.yes,so our eye does not give importance in noticing the art direction in the dark.our eye concentrates only on bright areas,thus enables the audience to focus on the character where the audience do not have the chance of getting misinterpreted.If the unwanted things on frame gets noticed,the audience miss the journey with the plot.This may turn out to be a potential failure for the film,because the audience does not understand the story.
I don't say that they are not completely important,but the elements should be shown in subtle manner.on overall,they can add to the compostition(aesthetics) of the frame.can present you a visual treat to your eyes.

I will continue in the next post.


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